First Update + Future Plans

In the first post-jam update for Percy's Pulsating Plasma sPheres, I made two small changes:

  • In the jam version, level 3 was easily skippable by jumping over the top of the screen to reach the portal on the right side of the screen. this is no longer the case; the wall between the starting platform and the exit is now too high to jump over.
  • Percy's gun now flips so that it is upright even when the player aims to the left. This looks a lot better and only required one line of code to implement.

Consider this a small token to assure players that yes, this game is still in development! In the future, I hope to expand this to a full release--as opposed to a bite-sized demo that's over in just a few minutes (if that). In no particular order, here are some of the features I hope to add:

  • More levels! There are so many exciting ways to expand on this concept, and I intend to take advantage of this.
  • Sound! This one's a little obvious. In the jam build, I just didn't have time to add this. I don't want to rush this step like I did with BlunderBuster, however. I want to make this game sound good; and that means adding an original soundtrack and a more robust system for sound effects.
  • A story! Sure, a game like this doesn't strictly need one, but giving Percy some motivation for solving all these puzzles will go a long way towards making this game feel more alive.
  • More exiting character/object interactions! Sure, it's really fun to watch a tiny mouse eat an enormous cheese block, but this game obviously needs more content, and one way to facilitate this is by adding more changes to objects' behavior based on their relative sizes. What if you could squash enemies by dropping a giant cheese block on their heads? What if large mice could eat small monsters? There's so much unexplored potential here!
  • Bug fixes! A cheese block will still fall through a bridge if you enlarge it while standing on it. That's... not great.
  • Also, I wish to add downloadable builds of the jam version--antiquated as it may be--for historical reasons. If this game does take off, I'm sure some people will be interested to discover how far the game has come.

And much more! Maybe someday, I'll even expand this game to a commercial release, but either way, I'll improve this (free) version as well, so be sure to follow for updates if any part of this interests you!

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